Add to your child's mental math skills
- https://tpitip.com/?14cV577916
Help your teen acquire background knowledge
- https://tpitip.com/?34cV577916

Congratulations to our Middle School Acalympics team: Zack Messmer, Michael Greff, Sampson Swindler, Maddie Gonzalez, and Hannah Greff! They will compete against 19 other teams at Richardton today at 12:00pm. The event will be live streaming on the NFHS network from Richardton/Taylor. Good luck, Wildfire!

Due to the spring storms coming through southern ND through Monday, Mott-Regent FBLA will be participating in the state leadership conference virtually from within our school building. We are thankful that our students have this opportunity and wish them success!

Put the focus on learning with a hands-off approach
- https://tpitip.com/?14cT577916
Personal appearance is no laughing matter
- https://tpitip.com/?34cT577916

The Elementary students took part in a coloring contest for the Hettinger County Extension Agency. The following students were the classroom winners:
Kindergarten, Miss Apostol's room: Evelyn Friedt
Kindergarten, Miss VanderLaan's room: Vada Fetch
1st Grade: Annie Kouba
2nd Grade: Sarah Kautzman
3rd Grade: Elias Swindler
4th Grade: Lyam Thomas
5th Grade: Ruth Kautzman
6th Grade: Sophia Doe
Congratulations to our winners!

Mott-Regent FFA members traveled to Minot to compete at the State Winter CDE contest! Congrats to Rhett Miller-bronze agronomy and Jozie Stenberg-bronze livestock
Agronomy team:
Rylee Green
Rhett Miller
Evan Doe
Brayden Rafferty
Sampson Swindler
Livestock team:
Kelsey Doe
Riley Boyll
Savannah Boyll
Jozie Stenberg

Make room at the table for a map
- https://tpitip.com/?14cR577916
Invest in your teen's future by teaching money management
- https://tpitip.com/?34cR577916

4th-8th grade teams participated in the Math Meet in Bowman today. The individuals who placed were Erin Doe with 3rd place and Lyam Thomas with 2nd place. The 4th and 5th grade teams each got 2nd place overall!!!!

Math Meet has begun!

Come checkout our Hot Poppin Book Fair! Open Mon - Fri. 7:45 - 8:00 am & 12:30 - 3:40 pm. We will also be open during Family Fun Night!

Kindergarten celebrated St. Patrick's day by doing lucky charm math and setting up a leprechaun trap! 🍀

D is for your child's own dictionary
- https://tpitip.com/?14cM577916
Encourage self-talk for concentration and motivation
- https://tpitip.com/?34cM577916

Region X Instrumental Festival was held at Trinity High School in Dickinson yesterday. We are so proud of these students who stepped out of their comfort zones and performed their very best in front of judges:
Michael Greff- Solo Baritone Horn
Riley Boyll- Solo Flute
Evan Doe- Solo Trumpet
Allison Grist- Solo Clarinet
Stella Tharaldson- Solo Alto Saxophone
Ruby Nasset- Solo Alto Saxophone
Rebecca Miller- Observer/Flute
Mrs. Mikaela Fattorini- Director

During 3rd quarter, Grade 7-12 students were challenged with getting 80% of the teachers to reply "yes" that they were responsible in the classroom. These school-wide behavior expectations included arriving on time, following directions, having all materials, cleaning up after yourself, submitting work on time, and following classroom rules and procedures. They hit their goal, and the reward was a 50-minute Ice Cream Party! Great work students!

The Southwest Jamboree is taking place at the Mott Armory March 22-23. This tournament is open to any 7-12 grade student that wants to participate. Forms can be picked up and dropped off at the school office.
The Mott Fire Brigade has generously donated basketballs to all participants. Thank you for your generosity!

Good luck to our high school Academic Team: Anna Nasset, Allison Greff, Evan Doe, Matt Huether, Carter Brown, and Brayden Rafferty! They are traveling to Beach today for the Acalympics (Academic Olympics) Competition. Beach High School will be broadcasting the contest on the NFHS network starting at 12:00pm.

Get set for standardized tests
- https://tpitip.com/?14cG577916
Give your teen a comprehension checklist
- https://tpitip.com/?34cG577916

Students wore pajamas as they read with their reading buddies today!

7th grade was busy in the wood shop making scrap wood chalk boards!