Decorated Easter eggs for art! 🎨🥚

Thank you Steve and Kayleen Meckle for coming in to read to the 2nd grade class! The students loved the special guest you brought with!

More building.

PE classes having some fun building towers.

While learning about seasonings, herbs & spices, FACS 2 students made Indian Chicken Curry.

Disagreement is no excuse for disrespect
- https://tpitip.com/?14cb577916
Get your teen's attention with a whisper
- https://tpitip.com/?34cb577916

9th and 10th Graders attended SCRUBS CAMP today in Hettinger! Students rotated through groups hearing and learning about various health-related occupations.

Stop the self-criticism cycle from derailing your child
- https://tpitip.com/?14cZ577916
Support success in sports with a positive attitude
- https://tpitip.com/?34cZ577916

6th grade drew spring landscapes last week!

The 2nd grade has been learning about the plant life cycle and what a plant needs to live. We have planted our own bean plants to see if they can grow without soil!

Kindergarten filled their tube by making smart choices and celebrated with a pizza party! 🍕

Kids enjoyed planting flower seeds with some Vo-Ag Students 🌸

Miss Karagan Friedt will be running a bake sale out of her classroom this week! Baked goods are $2 a piece! (March 25-March 28)

The 3rd graders enjoyed planting a flower seed with Miss Karagan Friedt and some of the Vo Ag students.

The Mott-Regent Public School District will have a 10am late start tomorrow morning (March 24, 2024).

Build a Bunny 🐰♥️

Elementary classes enjoying stations this week in PE.

The 4th graders had a "blast" when they made exploding snowmen in a bag.

Reading Month Quilt Raffle- Drawing will take place on Thursday, March 28 at 2:45 in the Mott-Regent gym. If you would like a ticket, please ask a student or call the school. Tickets are $1.00 each with proceeds going to the Mott-Regent library.

Mott-Regent will be sending devices home with students today in the anticipation the winter storm forecasted will cause a possible school closure on Monday. Thank you.