There is still time to sign up for the Wildfire Food BackPack Program. Please reach out to our School Counselor, Kari Mayer, if your circumstances have changed or if you'd like to sign up! 824-2795
"Believe In Yourselfie" 🤗
Printing Plate Art with Ms. Myra 🎨
The 3rd grade girls, Lady Wildfire, won 3rd place in their basketball tournament in Bismarck!
The 5th graders always enjoy art with Miss Myra!
Teachers and staff have had a busy day during Professional Development today! We thoroughly enjoyed the Filipino Cultural Presentation and Experience during our lunch session. What an educational (and yummy!) experience!
Our talented student artists were working hard today with their eraser stamp art! Deputy Christensen had a chance to take part as well.
Third grade art with Myra.
First graders had the chance to use ink and a roller to print their carved designs of musical instruments on foam with Ms. Myra!
Inspire your child's desire to learn
Demonstrate what reading can do for your teen
Kindergarten got to explore with paint sticks to create an abstract music art with Ms. Myra!🎨
Thank you to all who participated in the Wildfire Season of Giving this year! Over the course of the three weeks of giving, we brought in 1,090 non-perishable items and raised $545 for the food pantries in Mott and Regent.
Congratulations to the 8th graders who held strong and steady throughout the entire contest! Congratulations to the 2nd Grade class who had a STELLAR FINISH, bumping out both the Kindergarten and 3rd Grade classes who were ahead of them last month! And finally, congratulations to TEAM BRIGHT (staff competition) who were able to jump ahead of Team Merry this past month!
Thank you to the many classrooms and teachers who helped with hauling, loading, and unloading food throughout the three months! Truly a WILDFIRE EFFORT! 🔥🔥🔥
Set the standard for respectful behavior
Teens need to know how to learn broadly and deeply
Tonight's boys basketball game versus Harding County at the Mott Armory has been canceled.
Please make note of the schedule change for tonight's HS Boys Basketball game vs Harding County. There will be two quarters of JV and then the Varsity game. The JV game will still start at 5:00 Varsity will start around 5:45-6:00.
Exploring Ag 7th graders had a fun day in class doing mini contests! The students got to compete in small animal care, weed ID, Livestock Judging and Meat Judging!
Snowman craft.
Mr. Mulit teaching guitar at Achievement Friday today.
GCMR Jaguars short sleeve t-shirts & long sleeve t-shirts for sale! We have youth and adult. Call or stop in the office to pick one up! Prices are $22 for short sleeve & $28 for long sleeve.
More pictures from Achievement Friday.