7th grade was busy in the wood shop making scrap wood chalk boards!

In Science class, the third graders created the water cycle on a baggie. The water cycle bags are now hanging in our classroom window. The students are excited to see the magic of the water cycle happen.

What an engaging, fun science project in the third grade today on the water cycle. Stop in during the month of March and see the water cycle. More pictures to follow.

Help your child get ready to concentrate
- https://tpitip.com/?14cE577916
Make volunteering a family project
- https://tpitip.com/?34cE577916

Just a reminder to get slips returned for Family Fun Night. If you have misplaced yours, you can call the school or e-mail Mrs. Amanda Ebner to let her know if you will or will not be attending. Thank you!

I am so proud of these third graders for being the top performers on Vocabulary.com for the month of February! Keep up the great work!

Babies No More!
Look! The 1st graders were competitive enough to score 24 in Popcorn relay during the Reading Month Kick-off.

Kindergarten had fun during the Reading Month Kick-Off 🧡

Today we had our Reading Month Kick-Off Assembly! Students participated in a relay activity followed by Buddy Reading! Stayed tuned for more activities this month!

Fourth graders enjoyed reading with their 9th grade buddies today.

The 1st Graders were so happy that they scored 24 in this game during the Reading Month kick-off. Also, they were motivated to read together with the Seniors during the Buddy Reading Time.

6th grade won the popcorn relay during the Reading Month Kickoff Assembly!

Bracelet and Necklace Making for Art Day! ♥️

K-6 Wildfire Day! 🔥 Recognizing birthdays, those who brought in Box Tops for Education, Ronald McDonald House pop tops, and vocabulary.com winners! Reading Month kicks off tomorrow! 📚📕

Sheets for Family Fun Night went home with the youngest child in each family yesterday. We would appreciate receiving them back by next Tuesday, March 5th, whether you can attend or not, so that we can have an approximate head count for ordering food. Thank you!

It's been CTE Month in North Dakota! We are grateful for the career and technical education teachers who inspire our students every day to lengthen their views and see their strengths!

The six junior girls attended twp health-related career tours today! First stop was the Richardton Health Center followed by lunch and then CHI St. Alexius Health Dickinson. So many careers, so many options!

Five things teachers really want from families
- https://tpitip.com/?14bb577916
Help your teen create a master schedule
- https://tpitip.com/?34bb577916

Good morning!
We are having temporary troubles with our phones. Please be patient while we work on this problem.
Thank you!

The 6th graders participated in a babysitting training course with Mrs. Freidt this afternoon!