NDHSAA requires all athletes to have a physical before competing in extracurricular sports. It is also required that the school have a signed concussion fact sheet before taking part in sports. Forms are available in the school office and are also enclosed in letters that are being sent out.
Concussion baseline testing will take place on August 5-7 from 10:00-2:00 in the High School Computer Lab. This is required for all students in grades 7-12 that are new to the district, any student that had a concussion last year, and any students in grades 7, 9, and 11 that will be participating in extracurricular sports.
Please call the school office with any questions, 701-824-2795

Purchase your 2016-2017 Yearbook by August 9! Unfortunately, if you purchased a '23-24 or '18-23 book, you may need to use a different email address/create a new account to purchase this '16-17 book, until we figure out differently. Thank you for your patience!

Here's an opportunity to get some Wildfire gear. There is a Volleyball team shop open until July 29th. Take a look at the great options.

Here are the supply lists for our students for the 2024-2025 school year. There are paper copies available in the office.

Save The Date!
What: Future Huskies Football Camp!
When: July 28th & 29th 6:00 PM-7:30 PM
Where: Regent Practice Fields
Who: Boys entering grades 3rd - 6th
More information below!

More 'Summer School' fun!

Summer school fun!!

If you ordered a 2023-2024 Yearbook, they are here and you may pick yours up day today or Wednesday of this week at the school, 8:30-11:30. Otherwise, you can pick up during registration in August.
You may still order a yearbook! Flyers with information and link will be in your fall registration packets.

We are excited to announce the completion of our "Missing Years" Yearbook. This yearbook highlights the seniors from each graduating class, 2018-2023, as well as a brief spotlight on the COVID-19 Pandemic and its effects on our school district. Order online by June 30, 2024! https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=10170793598760 Side note-- The 2017 book will be completed in July. Be watching for information! Call us at the school if you have any questions. 824.2795

This past week Miss Karagan Friedt and 12 FFA members traveled to Fargo to compete at the 95th State FFA Convention. Listed are the participants and their awards! Congrats to all:)
Farm Business Management: Bronze Team
Rhett Miller-Silver
Anna Nasset- Silver
Brayden Rafferty-Silver
Evan Doe- Bronze
Jonathin Friedt
Environment and Natural Resources:
Anna Nasset- Silver
Brayden Rafferty- Bronze
Riley Boyll- Bronze
Jozie Stenberg- Bronze
Rebecca Miller
Food Science:
Evan Doe- Gold
Rhett Miller- Bronze
Jonathin Friedt- Bronze
Sampson Swindler
Pierson Frieze
Milk Quality:
Sampson Swindler- Bronze
Matthew Gonzalez
Pierson Frieze
Small Animal Care:
Rylee Green-Bronze
Riley Boyll- Bronze
Jozie Stenberg- Bronze
Rebecca Miller- Bronze

There are quite a few items in the lost and found. Please call the school if you recognize any of these items. 701-824-2795. Any items that aren't claimed by the end of June will be donated. Thank you!

Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program!

Left at the school. Please claim by calling the school.

This backpack with sweatshirt in it was left at the school. Please claim by calling the school. Thank you

A K-6 school wide art project completed with Artist Myra Klein.

Congratulations to our 6th Grade Volleyball team! They played in a tournament at Twin Buttes on Saturday and brought home the 1st place trophy! They beat Twin Buttes, Beulah-twice, & Killdeer-twice. Emery Aldinger, Emily Grist, & Elisabeth Huether were selected to the All Star team and Emily Grist received the MVP award. Thank you Sandy Huether for getting these girls to where they are today and Kayleen Meckle for coaching at the tournament. The future looks bright!

The 5th graders tackled the Rec Center's climbing wall.

The 5th graders showed off their awesome bowling skills yesterday.

The 5th graders had fun making bread with the Extension agent.

Our 6th Grade students received their diplomas and are moving on to 7th Grade. This is your graduating class of 2030!