4:30-6 pm TONIGHT! Join us for our Back to School Picnic and Open house! We're looking forward to seeing everyone!

Who's coming to the picnic tonight?! We miss you! Join us, 4:30-6:00!

Activity passes are available to purchase for all home games in Mott. Please stop in the office between the hours of 9:00 & 3:00 when school is in session. Thank you!
Family Pass - $165
Adult Pass - $90
Student/Senior Pass - $55

We're gearing up for the Back to School Picnic TONIGHT! 4:30-6:00! Please join us!

Welcome Back to School Family and Community Picnic.....Tuesday, August 20 from 4:30-6:00. Meet your teachers, put your supplies in your locker, take your photo, and enjoy great food. All are welcome.

Coaching Opportunities:
Elem Girls Basketball
Junior High Girls Basketball
Junior High Boys Basketball
Call the school if you are interested in coaching. Thank you!

Employment Opportunity...Mott-Regent Public School is looking for a full time Elementary Paraprofessional. Please contact Mrs. Bohn at 824-2795 if interested. Thank you

Junior High Volleyball Parent/Student Meeting;
Monday, August 19
MRHS Cafeteria
5:00 PM

The Ag department has some surveying equipment we no longer use. If you're interested please reach out to the school or Miss Karagan Friedt if you'd like any of these items. Any monetary donations will go to the Vo-Ag department!

Stop by the school to pick up your yearbooks if you have ordered! 2023-2024 is here as well as the 2018-2023 books!
Get your 2016-2017 book ordered by August 9th for delivery the end of the month!
Old yearbooks (prior to 2017) are also available for purchase at $5.00/each!

Schedule for upcoming practices/events for 7-12 Football:
August 8-13 - 7:00-10:00 AM @ Regent
August 14-16 - 4:00-6:00 PM @ Regent
August 17 - Scrimmage @ Bismarck Community Bowl
August 19-21 - 4:00-6:00 PM @ Regent
August 22 - 4:15-6:00 PM @ New England
August 23 - Varsity @ Steel vs Kidder County, 6:00 PM

It's Registration Week, Wildfire! 🔥
For scheduling changes & new families to the district:
August 8- juniors & seniors
August 9- 9th & 10th graders
August 12- 7 & 8th graders; 7th grade orientation @ 11:30
Any questions, call us at the school at 824-2795

The Mott-Regent Public School District has coaching openings for the upcoming school year.
Elementary Girls Basketball Coach
JH Girls Basketball Coach
JH Boys Basketball Coach
JH Volleyball Coach
Assistant Track Coach
Activity Bus Driver (for school activity bus)
Please contact Athletic Director Michelle Hornseth at 701-824-2795 or michelle.hornseth@k12.nd.us if you are interested in any of these positions.

Welcome AUGUST! 🌟 We are hosting a "School Supply & Snack Drive!" If you can help, drop off your donations at the school; if you could use some help, you can pick up what you need starting Monday, August 12 at the school.

Little Huskies Football will be starting for 5th & 6th Grade students soon. Attached is the informational letter, registration form and schedule. There will be an athlete/parent meeting on Tuesday, August 6 at 6:00 at the Mott-Regent HS Gym.

NDHSAA requires all athletes to have a physical before competing in extracurricular sports. It is also required that the school have a signed concussion fact sheet before taking part in sports. Forms are available in the school office and are also enclosed in letters that are being sent out.
Concussion baseline testing will take place on August 5-7 from 10:00-2:00 in the High School Computer Lab. This is required for all students in grades 7-12 that are new to the district, any student that had a concussion last year, and any students in grades 7, 9, and 11 that will be participating in extracurricular sports.
Please call the school office with any questions, 701-824-2795

Purchase your 2016-2017 Yearbook by August 9! Unfortunately, if you purchased a '23-24 or '18-23 book, you may need to use a different email address/create a new account to purchase this '16-17 book, until we figure out differently. Thank you for your patience!

Here's an opportunity to get some Wildfire gear. There is a Volleyball team shop open until July 29th. Take a look at the great options.

Here are the supply lists for our students for the 2024-2025 school year. There are paper copies available in the office.

Save The Date!
What: Future Huskies Football Camp!
When: July 28th & 29th 6:00 PM-7:30 PM
Where: Regent Practice Fields
Who: Boys entering grades 3rd - 6th
More information below!