Third graders bowling in Elgin. Thank you to Ron Bartz for the bowling and ice cream! We had so much fun.

Tomorrow, May 17, is the last day of school!
Don't forget to stop in the office and pay your lunch balance, music/library fees, and pick up any medications.

Celebrating our very own Hettinger County Teacher of the Year, Mr. Alido! Mr. Alido teaches 7-12 grade Science which includes Life and Earth Sciences, Physical Science, Biology, Environmental Science, Chemistry, and Physics.

What a day! Bowling and ice cream! These 1st graders were so full of energy this afternoon, thank you!

The 6th grade enjoyed bowling & ice cream for completing 8 out of the 9 Wildfire Bookworms!

Help your child see things from a different angle
- https://tpitip.com/?14eO577916
Let your teen try social studying
- https://tpitip.com/?34eO577916

Parents and Families of 7th and 8th Grade Students: Please join us for the Mott-Regent Junior High Recognition Ceremony on Thursday, May 16, at 2:00pm in the high school gym.

The second graders have been learning about the life cycle of butterflies the last few month. It has finally been nice enough outside to let our butterflies go right before summer! 🦋

Five lanes of fun! The 4th graders had a great time bowling today. 🎳

Members of the Community Service Counseling Group were able to see their project to full fruition today. Representatives from the Roughrider North Human Service Zone were in the building to accept their donation!
The group was informed that these bags could last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, just depending on the circumstances. It was also noted that there are over 1,000 kids in care in our state! Thanks, guys, for making such an impact!
This project, along with all of the counseling groups in grades 7-10, are made possible by a grant through the Burgum Foundation.

Play a game that is the opposite of boring
- https://tpitip.com/?14eM577916
‘Mind pictures' boost comprehension and memory
- https://tpitip.com/?34eM577916

Request for Proposal: Comprehensive Cybersecurity Services and District Infrastructure Management.
Mott School District invites proposals from qualified cybersecurity and service providers to enhance our district cybersecurity measures and ensure a secure digital environment for educational activities. This project is supported by the North Dakota State and Local Cybersecurity Program.
Scope of Services:
The selected provider will offer a range of cybersecurity services designed to enhance data protection, monitor network security, manage breaches, and ensure robust continuity. Services should include:
Network Operations Management: Provide ongoing management and oversight of network operations with onsite support as needed once per week. Best practices for network operations management include:
Regular Software Updates and Patch Management: Ensure that all software and systems are up to date with the latest security patches and updates to minimize vulnerabilities.
New Software Installation and Configuration: Manage the deployment of new software applications, ensuring they are properly configured to maintain security standards.
Ongoing Printer Management: Oversee and secure network-connected printers to prevent unauthorized access and ensure their reliability and performance.
Routine Security and Network Audits: Conduct regular security checks and audits to identify and rectify potential security gaps. Must be able to present results in person.
User Access Management: Control and monitor user access to network resources to ensure compliance with security policies.
Redundant Servers: Implementation of two servers to facilitate redundant backup and print services, Active Directory, file sharing, and management of a 300-user network.
Continuous Security Monitoring and Response: Employ continuous monitoring tools and techniques to detect, respond to, and mitigate security threats in real-time.
Advanced Cyber Defenses: Implement layered security measures to protect against sophisticated cyber threats, employing strategies that assume no user or device is trustworthy until proven otherwise.
Data Loss Prevention and Recovery: Deploy systems and protocols to prevent data loss and ensure quick recovery and continuity of operations in the event of data breaches or other cybersecurity incidents.
Security Awareness Training: Provide tailored security awareness training for educational staff, focusing on recognizing potential threats and adhering to best practices in cybersecurity.
Vendor Qualifications:
- Must be licensed and insured to operate within North Dakota.
- Must be registered with the North Dakota Secretary of State.
- Demonstrated experience with cybersecurity in government or educational settings.
- Compliance with all applicable federal and state cybersecurity laws, including FERPA standards for the protection of student information.
Mandatory Site Visit:
All prospective vendors are required to participate in a mandatory site visit to understand the project's requirements fully. Specific details will be provided upon registration.
Mandatory Onsite Requirement:
The vendor must provide technicians to be onsite weekly not remote. These technicians will work directly with teachers and staff to facilitate the effective use and management of cybersecurity measures and school functions.
Federal Reporting and Compliance Requirements:
The selected vendor must comply with all relevant federal reporting requirements while maintaining adherence to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) standards. This involves secure handling, storage, and transmission of educational records and data.
Proposal Evaluation Criteria:
- Proposals will be evaluated based on technical capability, strategic approach, cost, and compliance with federal and state reporting requirements.
- The Mott School District reserves the right to select the proposal that best meets its needs and may not necessarily award the contract to the lowest bidder.
Proposal Requirements:
- A detailed technical proposal that addresses the cybersecurity enhancements required.
- A financial proposal with a comprehensive cost breakdown.
- Proof of licensure, insurance, and registration with the North Dakota Secretary of State.
- References from past projects, especially in similar settings.

Wildfire Bookworm - All K-6 students who reached the Wildfire Bookworm reading goal for the year, will be going to Elgin to bowl this week. Thank you

The elementary students had a bike safety lesson this morning.

Be sure to check out our display of artwork when you come to the Cafe Concert tonight and tomorrow night!

Take your Bike to School Day 🚲

There are lots of 'right' books for your child
- https://tpitip.com/?14eI577916
Walk and talk for a healthy connection
- https://tpitip.com/?34eI577916

The 2nd grade had a great field trip in Dickinson! It was a beautiful day to enjoy the park, Dickinson Dinosaur Museum, and Dairy Queen!

The 9th graders did a speedy-good job at the Mott Food Pantry this morning! 🙌🏻

One day left to buy Cafe Concert tickets! Showtimes are 7:00 PM Friday, May 10 & Saturday, May 11.