The Ag students are busy making soil today! Well this "soil" is a lot more tasty than the real stuff. The Foundations of Agriculture group has been learning about soil types and formation of soil so today we are using flour, sugar, and peanut butter to represent clay, silt, and sand. Student got to draw soil types out of bucket and then had to do some math and use a soil texture chart to make their soil types.

FACS1 students enjoyed working with the Kindergarten on an art project.

Kindergarten had a great time joining FACS class to make a fun Halloween treat!

2nd Grade has been getting into the Halloween spirit by painting pumpkins! 🎃

2nd Grade did a Sink or Float Experiment today. 😃

Kindergarten experimented with pumpkins today. We made a guess on whether it would sink or float and found out they float in water! 🎃

There has been a time change for the HS Volleyball games tonight in Killdeer. C squad will start at 4:00 with JV & Varsity to follow.

Take a look at a few of our Football moms and BBQ dads showing support for a drug-free school! #redribbonweek

We kicked off our Red Ribbon Week with a presentation from VISION ZERO and a performance by the ND 188th Army Band's "Cover Down Brass Ensemble!" Let's have a great week, Wildfire! 🔥

Picture of the students with their prize for selling 10 Club Choice online items by October 21. Thank you. Mary missing from the picture.

Good Morning, Club Choice Elementary fund raiser will end in one week. Please return all paper forms from Club Choice by Monday, November 4. Thank you for helping Mott-Regent raise money for our playground and classrooms.

Erosion Activity! The students in the Foundations of Ag class got to gather materials yesterday to build their erosion project today. We simulated rain fall on soil to see whose method of stoping soil erosion was best!

In math the 2nd graders created math monsters by having to "buy" the body parts and come up with a total of how much they will cost to make.

4th Grade students created origami ghosts during library class.

Meet your '24-'25 Yearbook Team! This group has been working hard since August to make this a really great book! Purchase your 2024-2025 YEARBOOK by October 31 and save 10%. Can't beat a deal!

9th Grade enjoyed Art with Myra today!

When learning about soils in Miss Friedt's class of course we have to make edible soil layers "dirt cups"....

Mott-Regent is looking to hire an elementary paraprofessional. Please contact the school at 824-2795 if interested. Thank you.

Third graders are completing a multiplication and division escape room.

What a great day with these juniors at the Sanford Health Careers Conference in Bismarck today!