2nd Grade made their family picture frames. ♥️
4 months ago, Parah Apostol
2nd Grade made their family picture frames. ♥️
2nd Grade made their family picture frames.
2nd Grade made their family picture frames.
2nd Grade made their family picture frames.
2nd Grade made their family picture frames.
Our juniors and seniors heard from the Marine Corps today! Another great military option! 🇺🇸
4 months ago, Kari Mayer
We are so proud to present $107.00 raised for Lyon during Red Ribbon Week! Lyon serves as our Hettinger County Drug Dog and we are lucky to have him helping out in our communities. Thank you, Officer Kennedy and Hettinger County Sheriff's Office, for all that you do!
4 months ago, Kari Mayer
Calling all music fans! The Northern Plains Music Festival is in its 67th year! Mott-Regent has 10 students participating in the Northern Plains Grand Concert from 4:00-6:00pm at Dickinson State University on Saturday, November 9. The concert is open to the public and is sure to be a wonderful evening for our talented musicians!
4 months ago, Bridget Greff
We are hosting the Mott-Regent Wildfire Volleyball Play-in game at the Mott Armory at 6:00 pm on Friday, November 8. Since it is a regional game, passes cannot be accepted. Ticket prices at the door are $15/adult and $5/student. There is an option to pay $10/adult or $5/student ahead of time on the GoFan site. See the attached flyer for more information. Go Wildfire!
4 months ago, Bridget Greff
GoFan site
Mr. Alido, 7-12 science teacher, welcomed the UND Engineering Department into his Physics class this morning! A great presentation about engineering programs and careers! Go science!
4 months ago, Kari Mayer
Final Notice....Please return to the school all Club Choice paper forms tomorrow, Monday, November 4. Thank you
4 months ago, Deb Bohn
"Anything but a Backpack - Anything but Drugs! This was the theme on Friday for Red Ribbon Week. We had very creative students!
4 months ago, Deb Bohn
What a nice day to do some community service! This morning the Intro to Ag class and the Foundations of Ag class did some raking at the Arboretum to assist the Slope-Hettinger Soil Conservation District!
4 months ago, Karagan Friedt
intro to ag class
intro to ag class
intro to ag class
foundations of ag class
foundations of ag class
foundations of ag class
Thank you for the quick visit, Lyon! 🐶
4 months ago, Parah Apostol
Thank you for the quick visit, Lyon! 🐶
Thank you for the quick visit, Lyon! 🐶
The Junior class and MRPS Concessions would like to thank Charolette Aldinger and the Commercial Bank of Mott for our new candy display down at the Armory! We love it! 🔥🔥🔥
4 months ago, Kari Mayer
Good Morning, Just a reminder Club Choice orders are due on Monday, November 4. All orders and prizes will be here on December 10 between 3:00-5:00 in time for Christmas. Thank you.
4 months ago, Deb Bohn
2nd Grade made a hanging ghost art for Halloween! 👻
4 months ago, Parah Apostol
2nd Grade made a hanging ghost art for Halloween! 👻
2nd Grade made a hanging ghost art for Halloween! 👻
2nd Grade made a hanging ghost art for Halloween! 👻
2nd Grade made a hanging ghost art for Halloween! 👻
2nd Grade made a hanging ghost art for Halloween! 👻
2nd Grade made a hanging ghost art for Halloween! 👻
2nd Grade made a hanging ghost art for Halloween! 👻
2nd Grade made a hanging ghost art for Halloween! 👻
2nd Grade made a hanging ghost art for Halloween! 👻
2nd Grade made a hanging ghost art for Halloween! 👻
Happy Halloween!! 👻🎃
4 months ago, Parah Apostol
Happy Halloween!! 👻🎃
Happy Halloween!! 👻🎃
Happy Halloween!! 👻🎃
Happy Halloween!! 👻🎃
Happy Halloween!! 👻🎃
Happy Halloween!! 👻🎃
We closed out our day with two special guests during our elementary assembly! Thank you to Heather Fischer from the Hettinger County Extension Office for the fun activity about coping skills and for bringing her dog, Memphis! Memphis showed us all kinds of tricks and we got to hear about her competitions as well!
4 months ago, Kari Mayer
Don't forget to bring your children to the Mott Women Halloween Supper. It is tonight at the KC Hall from 5:30-7:00. Children need to be dressed up in costume and accompanied by parents.
4 months ago, Melissa Brown
The Ag students are busy making soil today! Well this "soil" is a lot more tasty than the real stuff. The Foundations of Agriculture group has been learning about soil types and formation of soil so today we are using flour, sugar, and peanut butter to represent clay, silt, and sand. Student got to draw soil types out of bucket and then had to do some math and use a soil texture chart to make their soil types.
4 months ago, Karagan Friedt
FACS1 students enjoyed working with the Kindergarten on an art project.
4 months ago, Colette Friedt
Kindergarten had a great time joining FACS class to make a fun Halloween treat!
4 months ago, Allie VanderLaan
2nd Grade has been getting into the Halloween spirit by painting pumpkins! 🎃
4 months ago, Jenaya Manolovits