Last day of Senior Serving! 🌟Class of 2024 🌟
11 months ago, Kari Mayer
Thank you to all that attended the FFA Banquet! We had a great time recapping the year and handing out awards! Greenhand Degree Recipients: Jozie Stenberg Kara Roll Sampson Swindler Kelsey Doe Chapter Degree Recipients: Julianna Mayer Brayden Rafferty Evan Doe Rhett Miller Outstanding Student Recipients: Freshman- Jozie Stenberg Sophomore- Rylee Green Junior- Brayden Rafferty & Julianna Mayer Senior- Kestrel Damjanovich 2024-2025 FFA officer team: President- Julianna Mayer Vice President- Rylee Green Secretary- Jozie Stenberg Treasurer- Evan Doe Reporter- Kelsey Doe Sentinel- Brayden Rafferty
11 months ago, Karagan Friedt
2023-2024 officers
reporter installation
secretary installation
senior- Kestrel Damjanovich giving her retiring address
Riley Boyll presenting FFA Creed
vice President installation
President installation
FFA members
2024-2025 Officer Team
award winners
The 5th & 6th Grade students will be attending Farm Safety Day in Hettinger on Thursday, May 2. The bus will leave from the school at 8:00 AM. Please have your student at the school a few minutes before 8:00. They will be back to the school in the afternoon and will dismiss at the normal time.
11 months ago, Melissa Brown
The 4th graders had a great day of learning about the water cycle and North Dakota history with Mr. Hank LaBore, a retired teacher. The students got to make maps and graphs, sing, and write poems. They also played fun games simulating the water cycle and watersheds.
11 months ago, Tracey Johnson
Come one and all to the Mott-Regent FFA Banquet Sunday April 28th @5:30! We are excited to recap the FFA year and be in good company!
11 months ago, Karagan Friedt
Teach your child skills that boost patience - Ask questions to guide your teen's choices -
11 months ago, Amanda Ebner
Thank you Mrs Mayer and Junior class! The 1st grade students had a wonderful experience during Earth Day!
11 months ago, Jezreel Mulit
Earth Day
Earth Day
Earth Day
Some friendly faces in the lunch line today! Senior Serving Day! 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣
11 months ago, Kari Mayer
It's Cafe Concert time again! The students have been working hard to put on an excellent concert. Come enjoy the sounds of ABBA! Tickets go on sale Wednesday, April 24 at 9:00 AM. Please stop at the office to purchase your tickets from 9:00-3:30 on the days when school is in session. Ticket Prices: Bleacher Seating - $12 Table Seating - $15
11 months ago, Melissa Brown
Cafe Concert Picture
Happy Earth Day! 🌎💙💚
11 months ago, Parah Apostol
Happy Earth Day! 🌎💙💚
Happy Earth Day! 🌎💙💚
Happy Earth Day! 🌎💙💚
Happy Earth Day! 🌎💙💚
Happy Earth Day! 🌎💙💚
Happy Earth Day! 🌎💙💚
Happy Earth Day! 🌎💙💚
Happy Earth Day! 🌎💙💚
Thank you to the junior class and Kari Mayer for the Earth Day lesson and dirt cup treats shared with the third grade class.
11 months ago, Brenda Meier
dirt cups
dirt cups
dirt cups
dirt cups
dirt cups
dirt cups
Our Earth Day projects were a hit! Each of the 7-12th grade classrooms spent the past three weeks preparing a 20 minute activity to do with their assigned elementary grade level and today was the day! Topics ranged from soil composition to volcanoes. Great job, students! So sorry we did not capture a picture of Grade 8 with the kindergarten students.
11 months ago, Kari Mayer
Promote learning outside of class - Suggest a bedtime review to boost memory -
11 months ago, Amanda Ebner
6th grade got to visit the chicks yesterday. Thanks, Miss Freidt! 🐥
11 months ago, Cedar Kraft
An interview with Mr. Gratz means the Cafe Concert must be coming up soon! 🎶
11 months ago, Kari Mayer
Another day of our seniors serving in our lunchroom! Way to go, Class of 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣!!
11 months ago, Kari Mayer
For the Elementary Volleyball game in Hettinger tonight, April 18, please enter through Door A which is the big gym door.
11 months ago, Melissa Brown
The Mott-Regent Public School District is seeking a driver's education instructor for this summer. If you have the teaching credential and are interested in this position please contact High School Principal, Bridget Greff at 701-824-2795.
11 months ago, Zachary Slayton
Surround your child with reading - Teens who skip school miss out -
11 months ago, Amanda Ebner
6th Grade with Miss North Dakota!
11 months ago, Cedar Kraft