Road Rangers Motorcycle Club of Regent has graciously donated $3,000 to assist in kicking off our Food Backpack program! WOW! ❤️ Thank you, Road Rangers! ❤️ Students and families, be watching for information coming out soon!

4th grade is fired-up and ready for Homecoming!

Class of 2028!

Looking great for Homecoming. Thank you to the Commercial Bank of Mott for the t-shirts!

The second grade had been learning about the past and we have been talking about items from the past that are coming back today! We were able to look at a vinyl record and listen to it using a record player. We also were able to learn about Polaroid pictures using the “new" Polaroid camera and even took a class picture! They loved waiting for their picture to appear!

The third graders created dream catchers to celebrate different traditions and cultures.

Happy Homecoming! 😁

The 8th grade Vo-Ag class learned about floriculture this week and as a unit conclusion we created our own arrangements. The students chose to give their arrangements to some teachers in the school.

6th grade is ready for homecoming!

The 5th and 6th graders had a fun day at Sully Creek State Park.

William is making a fashion statement with his Book Fair glasses!

Flu shots will be given at the school on Wednesday, October 23. Forms will be available to pick up in the office during conferences on Thursday, September 26. Please let the office know if you will not be able to make it to conferences and need forms. Thank you!

Pie in the Face Fundraiser! Stop in the office and vote for a teacher to get a pie in the face during the Pep Assembly on Friday, September 27. Eligible teachers are Mrs. Bridget Greff, Mrs. Jenaya Crist, Mr. Gregory Myers, and Mr. Eamon Alido.

The sophomore class will be selling cotton candy at the Homecoming Football game on Friday, September 27. enjoy a sweet treat and support the Class of 2027!

The Book Fair is set up and ready to go! We hope to see you there! Open Mon.- Fri. 7:45-8:05 a.m. & 12:30-3:40 p.m. We will also be open during P/T Conferences.

There is a parent/student meeting for any boys in 4th, 5th, & 6th Grades that are interested in playing basketball. The meeting will be held in the high school gym on Tuesday, September 24th at 6:30.

Join us next week for the Book Fair!

The 5th & 6th grade enjoyed a field day at Sully Creek State Park!

Congratulations to our very own Savannah Boyll, junior, for receiving a Rating I at the State Music Festival last May 4, 2024 at Bismarck State College.
Also, Savannah was chosen to be a part of this year’s 35th Annual High School Choral Festival which will be held at NDSU this coming October 6-7, 2024. She will be participating as an Alto at the Honor Chamber Choir.
From your Wildfire family, we are so proud of you! Keep on singing 🎼🎶🎤🎵

The first graders wonder if they could see sound. So we made simple experiment through beads, bowl and plastic wrap. And when they hummed or made sound near it, the beads were dancing.